New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases September 25th 2018
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases September 25th 2018 Well I am extremely excited for Vengeful by V.E. Schwab, but since that isn’t YA…here’s what else you can get excited about today!
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases September 25th 2018 Well I am extremely excited for Vengeful by V.E. Schwab, but since that isn’t YA…here’s what else you can get excited about today!
Feature & Giveaway: Banned Books Week – The Hate U Give (THUG) by Angie Thomas It’s Banned Books Week, which is a week long educational platform to celebrate the freedom to read, hosted by the American Library Association. The week long event (Septemeber 23rd-29th) is meant to bring awareness to books […]
Book Rewind · Review: What’s Broken Between Us by Alexis Bass What’s Broken Between Us by Alexis Bass was released in 2015 and is today’s Book Rewind. Book Rewind is our TBT meme to give backlist titles the spotlight that new releases usually get. Hope you check out my thoughts below! […]
Kelly & Christy Talk about Sadie by Courtney Summers Both Christy and I were given the amazing privilege of listening to an early copy of the audiobook for Sadie by Courtney Summers, recorded by a full cast (more than 40 voices!). Thank you so much to Wednesday Books and MacMillan Audio […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases September 18th 2018 Today is a big day for YA new releases! Whoa!
Cover Crush: The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan has a cover that stands apart. Not just because our main character is standing in such a way that imparts so much feeling, but also because of who […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases for September 5th 2018 Today’s YA New Releases! Stock up now!
#CoverCrush Home And Away by Candice Montgomery Home And Away by Candice Montgomery is just stunning. I love this cover! The fall colors and football field reflection in the glasses. So classic but also just tells a story and will make people pick up this book. The synopsis tells […]
New Release Review: 3 Books to Read After Finishing The Leading Edge of Now The Leading Edge of Now is a look at how sexual assault can be life consuming…and how the people who love you can support you through. Loved Owen – come meet your new book boyfriend. […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases for August 28th 2018 Another Tuesday, another empty wallet!