Blog Tour: Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on February 8, 2019, in Blog Tour, Feature, Future releases / 3 Comments

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Blog Tour: Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte

Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte is coming this February 26th, and we are thrilled to be a part of the Penguin Teen Blog Tour! In today’s post we are going to share with you some tips of the trade to survive in the world when you aren’t the ruling class.

Book Trailer

Pickpockets & Messengers

We can’t all be born into royalty and it just seems like so much to marry into it. In Four Dead Queens, those who can’t be royalty might turn to thievery or become a messenger. At least, these are the paths of Keralie and Varin (respectively). We find these roles to be so interesting so we gathered a few tips on the professions to help us all get started. Check them out below, tell us what role you’d want to hold, and add Four Dead Queens to your TBR today!

Brush Up on Your Pickpocket Skills

  • Pick a tourist-y place where people are already distracted or slightly uncomfortable. Lots of people + inattention makes the perfect environment for a little thievery.
  • Distract. Having a buddy helps here but find a way to distract them away from you. Create a scene. Start a fight.
  • Keep your hands covered. Maybe you’re carrying your next read with you…Especially those of you who like big books.

  • Fake being inebriated or out of it. Makes that stumble against more convincing.

Qualities of an Effective Messenger

  • Reliable transportation that fits the environment. You can’t drive a car through the desert – better learn to ride a horse stat.
  • Tetris level organizational skills for when you have multiple deliveries
  • Discretion/ability to keep secrets. You like your life, right?
  • Connections. It helps to have people to rely on along the way.
  • Last but not least, you need to know when you are in danger.

Now tell us, are you more suited to be a pickpocket or a messenger?

Be sure to preorder Four Dead Queens and be sure to grab this awesome preorder incentive!



3 responses to “Blog Tour: Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte

  1. Danielle Hammelef

    This post is hilarious! I so enjoyed reading my ARC of this book and hope the author will write a companion novel as the characters and world were so much fun.