Comic Crush Saturday: February 9, 2019

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on February 9, 2019, in Comics/Graphic Novels / 0 Comments

Comic Crush Saturday: February 9, 2019

Welcome to Comic Crush Saturday, our bi-weekly feature focused on the graphic elements of the book world. Comics became a huge part of my life a few years ago when I started reviewing them (and comic related TV shows) on Forever Young Adult. I’ve maintained a pulllist through my local comic shop, Isotope Comics, and even got Kelly to start one ;). You’ll find mini-reviews, what we’ve read recently, and more so check it out!

Featured Book of the Week


Archie, but with superheroes!

Honestly, there aren’t enough comic books starring teens. There definitely aren’t enough comic books exploring adult heroes AS teens. But this does both and I am totally here for it.

I had Valiant High on my radar but it wasn’t until James at Isotope Comics (shoutout to my amazing store!) placed issue one in my hands that I knew I had to read the series. The art on this story is vivid and attractive, as are the characters. 

I loved getting to know various Valiant characters through this story, which was the focus versus the story. I read Faith and I have Livewire on my TBR but seeing them and so many more characters made me even more interested in the Valiant universe. I especially loved how a character was called on a non-consensual kiss. 

Wish there were more than 4 issues!

What We Can’t Wait For

Comic Crush Saturday: February 9, 2019

Runaways, Vol. 3: That Was Yesterday

by Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka, David Lafuente
Published by: Marvel
on April 23, 2019

After the world-shaking arc-end in #12, a lot has changed for your favorite super-teens. And a major villain from Runaways past is back in a way you won’t be able to predict!


I am not ready for Kris Anka to leave the series but I AM ready to see what the heck Alex is up to.

Best News of the Week

All I ever wanted was a better way to read the classics that were forced on me. This is great.

The best part of cons are moments like this.

  • We are here for all of the GIRL POWER in this upcoming illustrated Marvel book.

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