Book Review & Giveaway: JAMB (Cornerstone #3) by Misty Provencher

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on July 20, 2013, in Giveaways, Reviews / 1 Comment

Book Review & Giveaway: Jamb (The Cornerstone Series #3) by Misty Provencher



Jamb (The Cornerstone Series #3) by Misty Provencher

Category: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance
Publication: February 27, 2013; Independent
Synopsis: Goodreads & Amazon
Purchase: Amazon, Smashwords

[book rating=5.0/5.0]


A note, from Nalena:
The world has gone insane and our only option is to go deeper into The Fury.
Facing the enemy doesn’t scare me.
Unless he is my enemy now.
A second ago, Nalena opened her eyes. And she was safe in Garrett’s arms.
Then it all comes rushing back—the riots, The Fury, the Cusp. The Ianua community is in a major jam. Forced into survival mode, the Ianua are holed up in the fortress of the Hotel Celare. Each Cura’s top-ranking members have gathered to guard the last remaining Addo, as the entire community also scrambles to trust one another and organize a new game plan to overthrow The Fury.
The trick is to keep the human race alive.
But The Fury’s game has changed. They have a Mastermind at the helm and he is out to destroy the Ianua. Terrifying and brilliant, this mysterious Mastermind has organized and focused The Fury like never before. He has recruited the Simple and unleashed the Cusp’s wide-spread chaos all around the world. And behind the scenes of this big picture, Nalena and everyone around her are busy trying to keep up, while also absorbing the rapid-fire aftershocks of their changing lives. There are traitors everywhere.
While The Cusp is expected to bring twists and turns, Nalena and Garrett never expected it to throw a silverware-drawer full of forks into the road. Each path tests their loyalty and their faith and makes them question who is who.
Including themselves.
And each other.
And in the end, some things, you can never see coming.

I loved this book so much that I am going to giveaway the first 2 books in the Cornerstone series to get a new reader hooked!

Spoiler-Free Review:

(First paragraph is definitely spoiler-free, but after that since it’s book 3 in a series some things might be minor spoilers to previous books in the series & if you haven’t read them yet, what are you waiting for & go enter the giveaway!!)

OK, I need to start off with a massive fangirl SQUEEE! If you aren’t already huge fans of The Cornerstone Series like me, let me tell you a few things: You will be immersed in a world that is deep, rich, brilliantly thought out and unbelievably magical! You will not be bored, you will be enthralled! And you will fall in love with Nalena & Garrett! This book is so amazing; no wait this series is so amazing. Every word, every thought, every feel in this book is pure perfection! I couldn’t stop thinking about this book for weeks after I finished it. So much so that writing this review has plagued me…I feel like all I can say about it is – YOU ALL MUST READ this series! But I’ll try to say a little more.

Jamb picks up exactly where Keystone left us, the preverbal sh*t has hit fan, not only are the Ianua in complete state of war with the Fury, the whole entire World is up in flames, literally! And traitors…there are so many that no one knows who to trust. All of the Ianua are holed up in the Hotel as a safe zone, but the Addo knows the traitors are amongst them, the big question is, how to continue trying to rebuild & protect, all the while you have no idea who to trust?

Now you all know the plot is going to be hands down amazing, the characters are so realistic that I feel like I need to bake some cookies just to think about them, and the romance…is perfect. Garrett knows so much more about this life than Nali, but everything is happening so fast she has no choice but to hang on for the ride. Garrett has been trying to balance what he should reveal to her about their special connection and what to withhold even if he doesn’t want to (*giggles*). Suspense and love and pure delectable teen angst is all wrapped up into their story.

Misty Provencher is a genius, she had me laughing, crying, shouting and my heart racing! Nothing was predictable and yes, TWISTS!! I knew anything could happen when it comes to her writing style, so I just had to have hope for an ending I could deal with. Now speaking of endings…you better be prepared for a hell of a cliffhanger. But come on, we are all used to those by now, right? I hate myself for not reading this immediately when it was released, but I still have to wait and stew until Capstone (book 4) is released.

So to sum this review up take away this: This book was RIVETING! I wasn’t eating or sleeping because I just wanted to consume every page as fast as I could. I can’t wait to re-read it, I am sure there are little things I missed. This series may be Young Adult, but the story is so sophisticated that I can not see why anyone who enjoys other fantasy, dystopian or paranormal romance wouldn’t devour this series too!


Author Bio: Misty Provenchermisty

Once a high school drop out and runaway, Misty Provencher became a college grad, and is now a fulltime novelist with a close knit family. She doesn’t do labels well. While she can ride a motorcycle, knows how to Karate chop, and has learned enough French, Spanish, and Sign Language to get herself slapped, Misty’s life is the ruse she uses to connect with people. She is totally enchanted with them and spends her days trying to translate the soul bouquet of her muses into words.

*Misty Provencher also has a few New Adult titles released, be sure to check them out too!
Author Links:

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Book Series Links:


Cornerstone (Cornerstone #1)






Keystone (Cornerstone #2)





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