Books On Our Radar: Afterglow by Phil Stamper

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on November 16, 2022, in Books On Our Radar / 0 Comments

Books On Our Radar: Afterglow (Golden Boys #2) by Phil Stamper

Afterglow is the sequel to the queer friends summer adventure, Golden Boys by Phil Stamper, this time the 4 friends take on their senior year and prepare for their next steps in this crazy thing we call life! Each tackling their own dreams and weaved through interconnected stories of friendship.

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Books On Our Radar: Afterglow by Phil Stamper


by Phil Stamper
Published by: Bloomsbury YA
on February 7, 2023
Genres: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, Young Adult

After a summer of life-changing, these four friends are finally ready for senior year.

Gabriel is thrilled to create his school's first LGBTQ+ advocacy group, but his long-distance relationship is fading from summer love to something else...

Heath feels secure for the first time in years, but with his future riding on a baseball scholarship, each pitch triggers his anxiety...

Reese is set on pursuing a career in fashion design, but his creativity takes him in an unexpected direction he isn't yet ready to share...

Sal wants to be in politics, specifically local politics. After a chat with his aunt, he is ready for an unlikely path...

As graduation nears and the boys prepare to enter the real world, it's clear their friendship will never be the same. Can they find a way to stay connected and pursue their dreams?

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