Charity & Giveaway: Lift – Authors Raising Autism Awareness

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on April 6, 2015, in Giveaways, News / 0 Comments

Charity & Giveaway: Lift – Authors Raising Autism Awareness

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April is Autism Awareness month, and the romance reading community is celebrating!

BookCrushin is happy to participate all month long with posts promoting Lift – Authors Raising Autism Awareness!

LIFT Ribbon - Profile Pic

1 in 68 children is diagnosed with Autism every year, making it the fastest growing and one of the most prevalent developmental disabilities. Authors Ginger Scott and Kennedy Ryan have organized a MegaGiveaway called LIFT featuring more than 50 authors to raise awareness and acceptance! Each Monday in April, a new rafflecopter will go live, loaded with e-books, audio books, swag packs, signed paperbacks and gift cards from these amazing authors doing their part to LIFT4Autism.

(scroll down for this week’s rafflecopter!)

And there’s LIFTWear – 4 styles to choose from! All proceeds from the LIFT t-shirts will go to a national autism organization. Order t-shirts HERE until MONDAY, APRIL 13!

LIFT tshirt

Good luck and #LIFTOff!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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