Cover Crush: The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper
The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper has such a wonderful cover, and a great book to start off our month of Pride coverage. First of all it’s illustrated which is my favorite trend right now. Plus its so pretty with the pinks and purples. Last but most important is that we have two boys holding hands on the cover! This coming of age story about, two sons of astronauts, who fall in love while their parents are preparing to take the first mission to Mars. So perfect. It is no wonder The Gravity of Us was one of the hottest ARCs (Advance Reader Copy) given out at BookExpo this past week. I can’t tell you how happy I was to not only get a copy but I got to meet Phil and get my copy signed! Thank you so much to Bloomsbury for this awesome opportunity. The Gravity of Us is not releasing until February 4th 2020, but you can preorder it now and be sure to add it to your Want to Read list!
The Gravity of Us was designed by Danielle Ceccolini and illustrated by Patrick Leger.
[…] just feels so good to see on a cover! Yes, holding hands is a big deal folx! I know last week I highlighted The Gravity of Us for the same reasons, but trust me, it’s not as common as you would think! […]