Feature: Christy’s Little Free Library

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on February 4, 2021, in It's Personal, News / 2 Comments

Feature: Christy’s Little Free Library

If you follow me on social media, you might have seen that I recently became the steward of Little Free Library Charter #113690. I’m here today to unveil the LFL for the first time and officially share it with the online community!

Let’s take a journey back to the start. As you may have seen, my LFL was a gift from my husband. He built it from a model online, with a few modifications (it’s larger than your typical LFL). He gave it to me in pieces over Christmas morning and live-tweeted the experience!

Once I received the LFL, I had some big decisions to make! What color to paint it, the design of the inside shelving, where to place it in the yard, and what to name it. Of course, I also had to get some books to put in it!

Picking a color scheme was easy – I wanted something bright. Painting it in rainbow sections seemed to fit and adding a gold glitter roof was the cherry on top. I also wanted a way to separate children’s, MG/YA, and adult books so I picked shelving that helped with that. I did not realize how popular graphic novels would be so I’ve already converted one of the sections to a graphic novel spot!

When I thought about naming my LFL, I reflected on the important books in my life. The Giver will always hold a special place as one of the first assigned books that I enjoyed and have reread as an adult (several times!). It didn’t feel quite right, though. That’s when Jeff Zentner’s The Serpent King popped in my mind.

And so this quote became the catalyst for the Opportunities and Possibilities Little Free Library.

“There are books stacked high around them – the way opportunity and possibility are stacked around them.”

Jeff Zentner, The Serpent King

The Opportunities and Possibilities LFL is stationed on the corner (I live on a corner lot) and is open for business (including at night – it has a motion-sensing light!). It’s registered (Charter #113690 – find us on the map here!) and is proudly part of the Read in Color initiative, a commitment to provide perspectives on racism and social justice, celebrate BIPOC and LGBTQ+ voices, and incorporate experiences from all identities for all readers. You can read more about the Read in Color initiative here.

If you are in the area and want to come visit, I put out new books every Sunday. There are books for all ages, comics, and even audiobooks! I check it a few times a week to turn new books face out or organize it after people have brought or taken books. Tag me on IG if you do!

On the left: What’s in the library this week. On the right: Last week!

Find us on our website here. If you want to support the LFL, there is a linked wishlist. Graphic novels are the most popular (I can’t keep them in there! They all disappear within a day and return at the end of the week).


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