Movie Review: Warm Bodies (aka hmmm Nicholas Hoult)

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on January 21, 2013, in Books in the news, Reviews / 2 Comments

warm_bodiesI was a lucky gal & got the chance to go see an early screening of Warm Bodies – the movie. I jumped on the tickets immediately as, Warm Bodies – the book, by Isaac Marion, was an achingly beautiful love story told from a zombie’s POV.  I read a lot of zombie books & watch a lot of zombie movies, but I knew this would be different from the start and I am still impressed. If you haven’t read the book, which will only enhance this movie (and highly recommend! so pick up a copy here), but don’t worry the movie can definitely stand on its own.

I will admit I was worried the movie adaptation was going to be cheesy to try and capture and exploit the whole paranormal tween craze (I refuse to say that phenomenon by its colloquialism).  But worrying wasn’t necessary. The book to me was sad, but romantic – I mean it really is a Romeo and Juliet plot after all. Lifelessness and the metaphors of pack mentality of humans were heavily apparent and still worked in the adaptation. When I finished the movie, I literally tweeted that this was the best ZomRomCom I have ever seen…now that isn’t too distinguishing as it’s the first and only Zombie Romance Comedy I’ve seen. But it was honestly so good.

R, the zombie protagonist, is struggling to hold onto his humanity upon eating the brains of a troubled and sad boy he takes those memories and starts falling for the recently deceased guy’s girlfriend, Julie, whom R ultimately saves from the same gruesome fate. R instantly starts to realize that being a zombie doesn’t matter as much as being around a girl like Julie, and he will do whatever it takes to be with her. The romance is absolutely charming and the relationship is one you are routing for!

R is played by Nicholas Hoult, who managed to own the big screen with his portrayal, even when he barely talks. But his movements, shrugs and grunts convey his feelings to the audience perfectly and the voice over thoughts helped as well since his narration is the driving force of the story. It also didn’t hurt that even as a zombie, Hoult was dead sexy (see what I did there).

A highly recommended date movie, but if you need to convince your significant other to take you to this ZomRomCom, here are some facts:

  1. There are guns, guts and violence.
  2. Witty dialogue and zingers from comedic delivery genius, Rob Corddry, as M, R’s best zom-friend.
  3. Typical zombie movie rules are used but cleverly modified and not to the detriment of the genre.

Warm Bodies is releasing nationwide on February 1, 2013.

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2 responses to “Movie Review: Warm Bodies (aka hmmm Nicholas Hoult)

  1. PhillieGirl (Michele)

    Very informative and witty review. 🙂 I will utilize the 3 tips to get my S.O. to the theatre!