The Host Trailer Revealed

The Host Trailer Revealed

The Host trailer was finally revealed last week after months of anticipation. The Stephanie Meyer sci-fi novel about aliens that come to earth and take over the bodies of human beings is gearing up for it’s 2013 release. I have to admit I was skeptical when I heard they were making […]

Crushed on by Shannon, on November 27, 2012, in Books in the news / 0 Comments

Warm Bodies Trailer Released

Warm Bodies Trailer Released

Warm Bodies the debut novel by Isaac Marion is heading to the big screen. The book, described as a zombie romance, centers around a zombie named R who lives in an airport and although has no memories, identity, or ability to speak beyond grunts, has vivid dreams and enjoys riding […]

Crushed on by Shannon, on November 21, 2012, in Books in the news / 0 Comments