Category: Feature

Feature: May the 4th Be with You

Feature: May the 4th Be with You

Feature: May the 4th Be with You May the 4th is a religious institution for Team BookCrushin. Today we celebrate May the 4th with some reading recs, merch we can’t wait to buy (there’s soooo much on sale!), and how the fandom is celebrating today. Check it out below and […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on May 4, 2021, in Feature / 0 Comments

#SignedBookSundays: Signed Books, Monthly Wrap Up, & Personal Reflections

#SignedBookSundays: Signed Books, Monthly Wrap Up, & Personal Reflections

SignedBookSundays: Signed Books, Monthly Wrap Up, & Personal Reflections Welcome to our monthly feature where we talk about what we read, adopted into our libraries, and what’s on our minds. After hosting #SignedBookSundays for 4+ years, we are transitioning to this format as a way to share signed books and […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on May 2, 2021, in Blogging, Feature, It's Personal, Reviews / 0 Comments