Feature: #SDCC2019 Hopes & Dreams
It has been a long time dream of mine to go to SDCC! Every single year I yearn to be where all the geeks are and this year…this year I finally get to go. Today I am off on plane to head to San Diego and meet up with BookCrushin co-founder Shannon, and my co-blogger Christy! I am so excited to be all together!
So Christy and I thought we would share our Top 5 Plans for the event!
Kelly’s Top 5
- Leigh Bardugo & Erin Morgenstern Panel: It is Leigh Bardugo and Erin Morgenstern…is there really more to say?
- LAST Supernatural Panel: The goal is to see the very last SDCC SPN panel. Over/Under if Kelly cries…
- Stellar Stories & Awesome Adventures Panel _and_ Into the Fanzone Panel: Because we love YA books and that is the damn truth.
- BOOKS SIGNED: Clearly I’m obsessed with getting books signed, so much so that I am paying for luggage just to bring my books with me in hopes of getting those beauties signed. Of course meeting the authors is huge too…but I tend to be a giant anxious mess when I am need to say something within like the 30 seconds I have to stammer out words.
- FRIENDS!: Meeting some folks that I have never met before, and just being there and taking the giant 50th anniversary bash all into my soul to hold and cherish.
Christy’s Top 5
- FINAL SUPERNATURAL PANEL – I cried last year. There’s no way I am not going to cry this year. There will be so many tears. Hold me. (also, I wouldn’t put money on Kelly not crying)
- Meeting Chelsea Cain – I absolutely love her Man-Eaters comic, loved Mockingbird, and love Archie Sheridan. Will I tell her that or will there be no words? I’m betting on the second.
- Cosplaying to Match Most Anticipated Panels of the Day – I swear I had my cosplays already planned but they also fit with the panel I am most excited to see each day. It was meant to be.
- Women of Marvel Panel – This is always one of my favs!
- Seeing Kelly & Shannon – This year is even BETTER because I get to be there with Team Bookcrushin!
Kelly! Yay I’m so excited for you! I die Everytime someone meets Erin Morgenstern ? I hope you get to meet Samantha Beard @sammaybereading too!
Oh yay more people going to meet! Thank you for telling me!
Ahh this is awesome!! Enjoy SDCC! I can’t wait to see your recaps after!
There will be many I’m sure, also insta stories!!